Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Goodbye Pacifiers; Goodbye

The day has come to take my daughter's pacifiers (pipes what we call them at our house) away. My daughter was addicted to her pipes and if she could marry them, I am sure she would've. She not only needed one in her mouth at all times but she would want to hold one in each hand also. I have been dreading the day, but it needed to come. She will be 2 1/2 soon and she is just starting to look silly with them in her mouth. So, over the past couple of months she was limited to have them only at her nap and at bedtime. Finally when she got used to that, we ripped away her soul and went cold turkey with out any at all. She was not happy. After a couple of nights she finally got used to falling asleep without them. I didn't give in. If their is one important thing that I have learned from being a mother over the past 3 1/2 years, it is that the mother must always win, and I did.

Goodbye pacifiers!

Now how to get her from stealing her youngest brothers pipe. That is another battle. I am going to save that one for another day.

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