Thursday, April 24, 2008

A Baby Turtle and Some Sick Kids

While out playing earlier this week my nephew spotted this baby turtle. How cute is this thing? The kids played with it for a long time, taking it on bike rides, carrying it around, and basically just showing this turtle a really fun time. Finally though, we put him back to find his mommy by the lake. Something tells me that this turtle sighed a big sigh of relief when we left him alone.

I've been MIA from blogging lately because of a whole bunch of meetings that I've been going to, doing sitting for people and editing, but mostly because my kids last week were sick. Last week in the middle of the night I got up with Trey because I heard him crying. So, I fumble up the stairs to his room find him in his bed blazing hot. I take his temperature and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that it reached 105.3. That's right ladies and gentlemen, 105.3. So mommy mode kicks in and I strip him down to his diaper and immediately call the doctor. Apparently being as old as he is a temperature that high is OK, but she wanted to see him in the morning. What was his diagnoses you ask? An ear infection. Only an ear infection. Then a few days later, Rylee started to act really weird and not herself. Another trip to the doctor later and another diagnoses of an ear infection. When it rains it pours.

1 comment:

Lisa Lenderink Photography said...

Sorry to hear that the kids have been sick. Hope they are better soon.

I agree with you...that little turtle probably went back and told all of his turtle friends about the big huge scarey things that held him captive.

Then his turtle friends just laughed and said, sure, we believe you, big huge scarey things, uh huh, wink wink.
