Monday, December 21, 2009


This post has been about a month in the making as I just haven't had the courage or the will to write it. We've been praying for answers for the last year and a half now and we finally have them.

Trey went in for another MRI last month to do a follow up on the fluid that was found in his brain last year and to see if there were any new developments. It was awful this time around. At age 2 Trey was so much more aware of his surroundings and he knew as soon as we stepped into the room something was up, and it involved him. For this MRI Trey was to be sedated by IV. "Good luck" were my thoughts. IV attempt #1 was his arm. Failed. IV attempt #2 was his other arm. Blown vein. IV attempt #3 was successful as the anesthesiologist slipped it in his foot. Trey was beyond upset at attempt #3 and I was so thankful that it took only a matter of seconds for the drug to take effect.

The next week we had our answer. Trey has Cerebral Palsy. It's still not easy for me to write out or say as it is still so raw for me. My thoughts go in many different directions as I struggle to comprehend what this means now for our family, for Joe and I, and for Trey. Where will Trey be at developmentally in 5 years? Will Trey ever get to do things that "normal" kids get to do? Will I ever accept this diagnosis and handle this with grace and strength?

I've never experienced the world of having a special needs child and I have to say now that I'm in the heart of it, I view life so differently. Whenever I see a child with a disability I think of how much hurt that family has probably gone through through the years. All those doctor appointments, poking and prodding at that child, uncertainties, tears, frustration and a feeling of helplessness. I'm finding that there are certain things in life that unless you've gone through them, you have NO idea what it's like until you've been there yourself. It's very interesting and to be honest, I wish I didn't have to experience this.

As of now Trey is responding to therapy and he's continually showing signs of progress. We are so thankful for that and it is so encouraging so see our little guy experience new developmental milestones. We have yet to decide what his future is for next year as he has a couple of options. It's possible that he will have a much more rigorous schedule with probably 4-5 days of therapy. Trey is still wearing his ankle orthotics to help him with his stability as he is very wobbly when he's standing and walking. We will also be monitoring Trey's vision as there is some question to whether or not he'll be needing glasses in the near future.

Currently we continue love him, pray for him and cheer him on. Stay tuned... God has big things in store for him, just wait and see.

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1


Eric, Lori, Zach and Maddie Fox said...

My prayers are going out to you and your family. God will never leave you or forsake you. This we can have confidence in. God will pave the path ahead for little Trey and will give your whole family strength and encouragement.
Lori Fox

Missie said...

Kerry & Joe~

My heart and prayers go out to you and your family during this time of uncertainty. Your entry is truly heart-wrenching and I read it with tears in my eyes. As you know I have a niece that was born 2 years ago in January with Spina Bifida, and at that time it was unsure what the Lord had planned for her. She is making progress by leaps and bounds and is such a joy that I couldn't imagine not having her as my niece. Yes the times are tough, but my entire family has learned that the Lord does not leave us nor forsake us! Nor does he give us more on our plates than we can handle. He chose you to care for this very precious little boy and that is truly a gift! You are all in my thoughts and prayers!

Melissa Nelson

Anonymous said...

May you feel the love and support of family and friends, and feel God's peace as your family journey's together. We love you ~ Mom and Dad

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you. You're right, most of us have no idea what you are feeling and experiencing right now. I pray for peace, comfort and clarity for your family in these next few months.

Lori H.

Karen said...

Kerry -
First, I'll admit that I'm a "blog stalker" - love to see all of your pictures and keep up with your family.
Second, I can't imagine the emotions and energy it took to write this post. Your courage, strength, & faith are an incredible example to others - thank you for sharing!!
Know that your family is being prayed for & lifted up to God.
I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and are showered with goodness in 2010!
Karen Lepine

Nahum 1:7
The LORD is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in Him.

Anonymous said...

As another "blog stalker", I can see that Trey is an amazing little boy with a wonderful family. Your love and strength will serve him well. Trey looks to be such a handsome kiddo, with sparkly eyes, soft hair, shiney little teeth...those descriptions of him will always come first! Bless you all as you continue on your path together...

Missy said...

Joe and Kerry,
My prayers are with you and your sweet, precious little boy. You hit the nail on the head when you said you just never know until you actually face it yourself. As I myself am learning, God has plans even in these trials we face, even when we say we don't want it can't understand the way. Praying that you continue to see God at work in big and small way in Trey's life and also in your own as you use the gifts God has blessed you with to encourage your son. May God's richest blessings be with you all! May you find peace in His promised and trust in His everlasting goodness.

Kerry Siereveld said...

Thank you all for your kind comments. I can't tell you how much they mean to us during this time. Thank you too for your continued prayers for our little buddy - they are definitely appreciated!

aubry c said...

My thoughts and prayers are with your sweet family.......have strength and courage and everything will be just fine. :-) He is such a cutie! Happy New Year!

Dawn said...

Kerry, reading your post brought tears to my eyes. Before I had Aaron, I don't think that would have happened, now I can identify with where you are in life with your little boy. He is absolutely beautiful. My prayer for your family is that God will bless you with patience and love and understanding for what He has chosen to hand you in life.

Amy said...

WOW Kerry... He is a cutie.. You are truly blessed.

Amanda Schichtel said...

I want you to know that your family is in our thoughts and prayers! God DOES have a plan for Trey and your family... even though it is so hard to see now. First hand, we have gone through this when we found out that Kenzie was born deaf. We look back and never expected her to be saying her ABC's at 2 1/2years old. It makes you realized how life is so precious and how faithful God is. If you need anything please let me know...
-Amanda (The Schichtel Family)

Brad and Jill said...

Just want you to know that we are praying for you and your family. Trey is obvioulsy a true blessing and such a sweetheart and will undoubtedly be a wonderful child but I pray that God will grant you peace and strength for what may lie ahead. You are an amazing mom and I know you will take excellent care of him no matter what. Jill Koning

Tara Zornow said...

<3 <3 <3 I think about you and Trey quite a bit since we've talked. I can't wait to meet him. Lots of love and prayers. <3 <3 <3