Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tanzania Baby Shower - UPDATE {Grand Rapids Photographer}

A couple of weeks ago I wrote this post about my friend Lindsey and her need for supplies for the orphanage in Tanzania. I asked and you provided. Thank you, thank you, thank you for those that stopped by to donate the items needed and for those of you that gave a monetary donation. This truly will be such a blessing to those sweet little children over there that are living in that orphanage. I know Lindsey is so grateful too.

I've received huge bags of clothing full of wipes, diapers, outfits, lotion, diaper cream, blankets etc. To date total we've raised $405 to give to the orphanage which they will use to purchase formula and food for those children. Thank you!!!

If you haven't made a monetary donation yet and you'd like to, there is still time! Click the Paypal button to the upper right of my blog to donate! I'll take the Papal button down right before I meet the person traveling to Tanzania so if the button is still there, donate away!

Thanks again for your participation!

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