Monday, June 16, 2008

Family Time

Fun times tonight as I met up with this adorable family! What a perfect night for photographs, cool weather and sunny skies! Quite a bit different than the weather the other week!

I am a bit partial to this little buddy...maybe it's because his name is Joe just like my husbands!

We couldn't get this little guy to sit still for the life of him, so instead we had dad hold him for a little while. Worked like a charm!!

Thanks for inviting me to get some family pictures done for you guys! I hope you've enjoyed your sneak peek!


Anonymous said...

Kerry, You are too kind. My child was a brat last night and we all know it :) Ah, two year olds... not much you can do about it. But I think you got some great shots, despite Joe's efforts to thwart you. Thanks so much for taking our first family photos! And for putting up with my cranky kid :)


Shawn said...

These photos are fantastic. Love that curvey path and it looks like the weather was perfect. If he was cranky you'd never know it from these photos. :)