Friday, May 7, 2010

Eggs: Not The Breakfast Kind {Grand Rapids Photographer}

We found these under our deck the other day. Can you guess what bird they come from??

**ANSWER** It's the nest of a Killdeer. Notice how it doesn't make an actual next of twigs and feathers but rather burrows a small hole in the rocks? I find that to be interesting but I'm a real bird lover... :)


Anonymous said...

duck? rl

Anonymous said...

Goose ?

The Nealons said...

We found these the other day while trespassing.....chasing Connor around. The mama was doing her thing, creating a diversion and I had to keep C from accidentally squashing the eggs. Just wait until they hatch! We were able to hold the babies from our yard in our hands!!

Kerry Siereveld said...

Alison - They've already hatched and I missed the photo op. :( I saw the babies yesterday and they were SO cute but the mama wouldn't let us get to close. She was SO angry that we kept getting closer!!