Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Try This...

In his preschool class this year the teachers interviewed all the kids and asked them how they would prepare a turkey for Thanksgiving.  I thought I would share Gibson's recipe, it sounds tasty!

"How To Cook A Turkey"  by Gibson Siereveld

Get a turkey from the fair.  Shoot it with a gun and bring the turkey home by putting it in a basket.  Have your dad do something to it.  He'll put it on the grill.  While it's grilling put four pieces of salt on it.  When the grill is done cooking put the turkey on a plate.  Take it inside and eat it.  Serve it with some salt and apples.  For dessert have some apple pie.  

Mmm.... sounds delish.  This is a must try for this Thanksgiving!  There's a new idea for you all you turkey hunters, just buy one from the fair and take it out back!